Double Shot

Two bull’s-eyes!

A composed evening consisting of two choreographies. Occultatum focuses on the demons that lie dormant within each of us, just waiting for the impulse to awaken. The performance deals with the phenomenon of power and its abuse. It toys with the idea that there is no counterbalance to evil, without which we could hardly imagine life.

The second choreography, The Graveyard of Ideas, will present the artistic overpressure that accumulated during the creation of the dark Occultatum. And there was a lot of it! It was necessary to laugh and implement ideas that would have ended up in a graveyard without this absurd piece. In The Graveyard of Ideas.

“The Double Shot evening is a real choreographic treat. It offers entertainment and reflection, but also unusual movement variations.”

60 + 40 min. (20 min. pauza)
Suitable from
12 years
partly in Czech and English
26. 10. 2022

Dates & Tickets

Now not showing. Current shows

Creators & cast

  • Concept, direction, choreography Ondřej Vinklát
  • Music CoH, J. S. Bach (interpretation by Fanny Vicens), Amon Tobin, Alva Noto, Two Fingers, FKJ
  • Music mix / recomposition Ondřej Vinklát
  • Set design Pavel Knolle, Ondřej Vinklát
  • Costumes Pavel Knolle
  • Masks Marek Capoušek 
  • Light design Lukáš Brinda
  • Original cast Natalia Metodijeva, Štěpán Pechar, Viktor Konvalinka
  • Concept, direction, choreography Štěpán Pechar a Viktor Konvalinka
  • Set design & costumes Pavel Knolle
  • Original cast Štěpán Pechar, Viktor Konvalinka, Florian Garcia, Ondřej Vinklát, Natalia Metodijeva
  • Photography Pavel Hejný