Jatka78 & Friends CZ

Ukončete nástup, jedem zpátky do pohádky!

Children, this is your day!

The ordinary world can be boring. But the fairy tale world? It's full of fun and adventure. Well, come along with us, theater youngsters. You'll enjoy three fairy tales that you will tell all your friends about. In the fairyland of Azyl78, there's a mountain of fun waiting for you.

What can you expect?

• Nosálci: Digitime

A show about the digital infestation and children's concerns told with humour and seriousness. Did you know that smartphone overuse can cause anxiety? And that there are ways to defend against it? What do you think will happen when a giant mobile phone appears on stage? Something here tells us it's going to end well.

• My kluci, co spolu chodíme: Mami, tati, kluci říkali…

Our boys talk a lot. Kids, you better not believe them and repeat it at home to your parents! An interactive fairy tale based on children's mischief and imagination, where the little audience members become the directors of their own story.

• Malé divadélko: O Palečkovi

A fairy tale about a rather strange little boy, Tom Thumb, who outwits a stingy merchant. Performed by two of our most beloved actors, puppets and musical instruments. Live music can be a storyteller too. In short, a classic fairy tale in an unusual performance.

• Workshops

This event couldn't have been done without a space to create and try new things. This year we have circus and art workshops for you. The circus workshop offers a lot of fun and new ways to explore working with your own body. In the art workshop you can turn into a pirate, a shaman or even an Indian and make a mask that everyone will be envious of. You won't forget this afternoon for long!

240 min.
Suitable from
3 years

Dates & Tickets

Now not showing. Current shows

Creators & cast

  • Cast Malé divadélko Praha, My kluci, co spolu chodíme, Nosálci, CLP Studio, Jitka Barnetová